> Tools

> Pen Settings

> Text Settings

Bold Italic Underline Linethrough Overline

> Addons

Supported key combinations:

  Move cursor:                    left, right, up, down
  Select character:               shift + left, shift + right
  Select text vertically:         shift + up, shift + down
  Move cursor by word:            alt + left, alt + right
  Select words:                   shift + alt + left, shift + alt + right
  Move cursor to line start/end:  cmd + left, cmd + right or home, end
  Select till start/end of line:  cmd + shift + left, cmd + shift + right or shift + home, shift + end
  Jump to start/end of text:      cmd + up, cmd + down
  Select till start/end of text:  cmd + shift + up, cmd + shift + down or shift + pgUp, shift + pgDown
  Delete character:               backspace
  Delete word:                    alt + backspace
  Delete line:                    cmd + backspace
  Forward delete:                 delete
  Copy text:                      ctrl/cmd + c
  Paste text:                     ctrl/cmd + v
  Cut text:                       ctrl/cmd + x
  Select entire text:             ctrl/cmd + a
  Quit editing                    tab or esc

Supported mouse/touch combination

  Position cursor:                click/touch
  Create selection:               click/touch & drag
  Create selection:               click & shift + click
  Select word:                    double click
  Select line:                    triple click